Fire detection

Services & Solutions

Fire detection

Why choose a BOSEC-certified installer?

A good fire detection system can save lives! When your fire detection system detects smoke, it's crucial to keep the time between the alarm and an intervention as short as possible.  The faster a fire is detected, the less damage it can cause.

SAM Security can protect anything from houses to bigger industrial buildings, schools or apartment buildings. We only install BOSEC-certified fire detection systems. 

External signalling room

An external signalling room allows you to follow an alarm signal. Together, we will determine who needs to be contacted in case of smoke detection. An instruction list is established to determine who will be automatically notified in case of an alarm.

Take a fire in your laundry room, for instance. You can see for yourself whether it's a false alarm or not and decide you need to contact the fire department if you're at home, or the system can alert the emergency services automatically in case of absence.   

Connect fire detection to another form of protection

For industrial applications or other big buildings, it is possible to connect fire detection to access control. In case of a fire on the fifth floor of an apartment building, for example, it is possible to open the doors automatically so the fire brigade can access it.   In an industrial building, it is possible to close the compartments of a building automatically in case of a fire alarm.